
左沛元  博士 副教授 硕导




个人学术主页:Peiyuan Zuo (0000-0003-3140-8650) - ORCID


围绕国家集成电路材料和化工新材料领域现实迫切需求,主要从事电磁功能复合材料(介电/屏蔽/吸波)、碳纤维及复合材料等基础研究及相关应用工作,先后在法国巴黎高科ENSAM大学校和加拿大阿尔伯塔大学开展博士、博士后课题学术研究。目前以第一/通讯作者在 Nature Commun., Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., Adv. Funct. Mater., Int. Mater. Rev., Small, Mater. Horiz.等期刊发表 SCI 论文40余篇。获上海市青年科技启明星、浦江和揽蓄人才等计划支持,作为项目负责人承担国家自然科学基金等项目多项,任《复合材料科学与工程》核心期刊青年编委。









1. Chen, D., Sha, J., Mei, X. et al. Ultralow k covalent organic frameworks enabling high fidelity signal transmission and high temperature electromechanical sensing. Nature Communications, 2024,15, 10864.

2. Chen D, Li J, Mei X, et al. Adjustable Plane Curvature of Covalent Organic Framework Enabling Outstanding Dielectric, Electret, and High-Temperature Processing Properties. Angewandte Chemie, 2023, 135, e202315143.(Hot paper)

3. Xu J, Fang J, Zuo P, et al. Competitively Assembled Aramid-MXene Janus Aerogel Film Exhibiting Concurrently Robust Shielding and Effective Anti-Reflection Performance. Advanced Functional Materials, 2024, 2400732.

4. Zhang Z, He P, Ma W, et al. Freely Tailorable Yolk-Shell Encapsulation: Versatile Applications in Ultralow-k Dielectric, Drug Delivery Systems and Catalysts. Advanced Functional Materials, 2023, 2302212.

5. He P, Ma W, Xu J, et al. Hierarchical and Orderly Surface Conductive Networks in Yolk-Shell Fe3O4@C@Co/N-Doped C Microspheres for Enhanced Microwave Absorption. Small, 2023, 19, 2302961.

6. Zhou Y, He P, Ma W, et al. The Developed Wave Cancellation Theory Contributing to Understand Wave Absorption Mechanism of ZIF Derivatives with Controllable Electromagnetic Parameters. Small, 2024, 20, 2305277.

7. Zuo P, Li J, Chen D, et al. Scalable Co-Cured Polyimide/Poly(p-phenylene benzobisoxazole) All-organic Composites Enabling Improved Energy Storage Density, Low Leakage Current and Long Cyclic Stability. Materials Horizons, 2024, 11, 271-282. (Hot paper)

8. Wu X, Xu J, He Y, et al. An electrostatic-controlled self-assembly strategy to design hollow Co@N-doped carbon spheres for enhanced microwave absorption. Carbon. 2024. 227:119289.

9.Ruoqi Wang, Yu He, Chuanhao Tang, et al. Constructing crystalline/amorphous heterojunction in FeCo@C nanoboxes for enhanced electromagnetic wave absorption. Carbon, 2024: 119494.

10. Zuo P, Jiang J, Chen D, et al. Enhanced Interfacial and Dielectric Performance for Polyetherimide Nanocomposites through Tailoring Shell Polarities. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2023, 15, 23792-23803.